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If you’re an ecommerce business that wants to capitalize on the 2022 Black Friday Cyber Monday sales season, read our guide and make sure you’re prepared.

Are you set up for Black Friday Cyber Monday this year? You could potentially be missing out on money in the bank. Last year Shopify store owners collectively made a whopping $6.3 billion USD in sales globally between Black Friday and Cyber Monday, a 23% increase from 2020. Just having a Shopify store is not enough, you have to make sure your Shopify store is visible, attracts visitors and maximizes the revenue opportunity over the holiday season. This is where working with shopify experts who can also create eye-catching adverts to help you stand out amongst the competition is key.

Do you know where the health of your business stands today? The healthier you are before Black Friday Cyber Monday, the better your chance of success on the big day(s). Now is the time to analyze your key metrics in order to track the health of your business. Take a look at your Analytics overview dashboard to evaluate metrics like total sales, total orders, store conversion rate, average order value, and top products sold.

Some key tips we have to be prepared for the upcoming sale season!

Have a plan.

With your Black Friday and Cyber Monday sale, plan out the whole weekend - will deals change as the weekend progresses? Can you maximize revenue by strategically promoting certain lines at certain times? Do you have a killer deal that you can use to launch your sale to hook people in and capture their attention?

Upsell and cross sell product collections

Don’t forget the power of the upsell and cross-sell. Buying a hat? Perhaps they’d also like the matching gloves? Or maybe they could be tempted to spend an additional few pounds and hit the threshold to take advantage of free shipping? It’s a great way to easily increase your average order value. Give it a go!

Set up your email service provider

Build up a sense of anticipation with your email database. Let your subscribers and past customers know a sale is coming with a series of teaser emails; perhaps give them a sneak preview of a deal or let them know when your sale is launching so they don’t miss out. We have email marketers who are experts in crafting emails that convert - if you need help, give us a shout. 

If you don’t have an abandoned cart email series, now’s a good time to set one up. These can be utilized as part of your email marketing strategy, utilizing an email service provider such as Klaviyo. If you don’t have an ESP, you can still send a single follow up cart abandonment email via your Shopify store. The idea is that if a visitor gets part way through purchasing a product but doesn’t actually buy it, a series of emails is sent to entice them back and make it easy for them to return to the basket and complete the purchase.

These emails can incorporate incentives like discount codes or free shipping to increase the chance of a sale. With an average ecommerce cart abandonment rate of 69.8%, Black Friday is a great time to implement these emails and capture those lost sales.

Use retargeting to capture past visitors and customers

Capitalize on the increased browsing activity of bargain-hunting customers by using retargeting. This enables you to ‘follow’ people who may have added products to basket, looked at a particular item or made a purchase. It really just means that you’re able to remind them of something they looked at on your site recently, on other forums like Facebook, to give them the opportunity to come back and finish the purchase or buy something else.
Unsure how to navigate the way of facebook ads? We can help set up campaigns that deliver and drive traffic to your website. 

Track your performance!

If you’ve followed our advice in this article and our conversion checklist, you should be on track for a great Black Friday weekend. However, it’s important that you track your metrics through Google Analytics and your store’s analytics, plus your email provider and any other channels that you use like Facebook. Once the sales weekend is over and the dust has settled, you’ll need to understand what went well and what could have been deployed differently so that you can make your next sale even more of a success!
